Human Rights Policy and Workplace Diversity

Human rights policy and workplace diversity

In order to build a friendly workplace environment, set up "Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures Complaints and Punishment Measures" and "Employee Opinions and Complaint Management Measures" and establish an open suggestion box, and publish the opinions channels on a public platform For employees to understand, the implementation results are explained as follows:

1. There have been no cases of sexual equality complaints in recent years.

Second, to ensure that women in the workplace have no worries, focusing more on the setting up of facilities, such as lactation rooms, providing tables and chairs, refrigerators, and air-conditioning, in the hope of creating an internal environment that is conducive to the realization of gender equality and family Friendly friendly work environment.

3. Provide relevant friendly assistance and employee care regardless of gender, so that employees can maintain a balance between work and family. More realistically, employees will have a higher sense of corporate identity and A sense of belonging helps attract and retain talent.

4. In accordance with Taiwan's "Act on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities", 4 people with disabilities are recruited according to law. As of 2023, a total of 8 people will be hired, which is sufficient and exceeds the number required by regulations.

5. We also uphold the principle of respecting the individual differences of each employee, so the company has never had any incidents of discrimination.

6. The company has established a labor-management meeting in accordance with the law to provide employees with a feedback channel for diverse opinions. The list of members of the labor-management meeting has been reported to the Taipei City Government and the Changhua County Government for reference in accordance with the law. Their terms of office are based on the statutory time, and they are currently stable. Operation, the operation situation of labor-management meeting is as follows:

Year Operation status
2023 1. A total of 4 labor-management meetings were held on January 6, April 6, July 6 and October 12 of this year.
2. Topics for this year’s meeting include:
(1) Company calendar, make-up work and leave, and working day determination.
(2) Strengthen discussions on epidemic prevention in employees’ daily lives after the epidemic.
(3) Sexual harassment awareness in the workplace.
(4) Exchange and discussion on safety policies for separation of pedestrians and vehicles.
(5) Heat stroke prevention promotion.


7. In response to the United Nations SDGs5 gender equality, we have increased the proportion of female employees year by year to achieve equal numbers of men and women. In recent years, the proportion of men and women in current employees and new employees:

Current employees 2021 2022 2023
Male 253 287 287
Female 143 183 171
Proportion of women 36.10% 38.90% 37.34%
New employees 2021 2022 2023
Male 42 34 32
Female 31 40 9
Proportion of women 42.47% 54.50% 21.95%