Public Benefit Activities

Public Benefit Activities

1. In the supply chain, Allied Supreme Corp. strives to provide energy and chemical recycling equipment manufacturing services in order to improve the living standard of human beings and contribute to the preservation of the earth's resources.

2. In terms of social participation, we focus on the needs of the local community and pay attention to social corners and resource gaps, and adopt a multi-pronged approach in providing social assistance to spread the power of good and charity.

(1) Caring for the disadvantaged families and low-income households by offering supplies.(2) Providing assistance to the nation’s young children and disadvantaged students with various resources.(3) Helping the socially disadvantaged through donations.(4) Community care and assistance in facility donation.

3. In recent years, our involvement in charitable activities, including donations, blood drives, beach cleanups, and community outreach, is as follows:

Annual 2022 2023
Amount Invested NT$ 112,310 NT$ 472,075
Number of Charitable Events 5 7


Happy sea with you in 2023-beach cleaning activity

Happy sea with you in 2023-beach cleaning activity

2023 Eden Slow Flying Angel 1 log labor activity

2023 Lixin Donation Event  

The 2023 passionate love-blood donation event

Tetrapod Coastal Cleanup

ASC Blood Drive

Donatogether! ASC Charity Bazaar

ASC Blood Drive

Tetrapod Coastal Cleanup

Donatogether! ASC Charity Bazaar

Donations and caring - En Huei Children’s Home

Donations and caring - Chang Hua Family Assistance Center

Donations and caring - En Huei Children’s Home

Support the handmade kimchi of the Blessed Heart of Mary

Buying handmade dumplings from Xile Nursery for staff dinner


III. In the future, we will continue to work towards the goal of sustainability for the common good of society, providing assistance to the natural environment, social gaps, and social needs.