Revenue Overview

Financial Information

Revenue Overview

Month Revenue for the Month Revenue from Last Year Difference Amount Difference Ratio
10 546,920418,569128,35130.66%
9 610,962457,869153,09333.44%
8 547,198401,089146,10936.43%
7 614,281375,947238,33463.40%
6 514,341390,546123,79531.70%
5 640,768569,14171,62712.59%
4 433,510505,263-71,753-14.20%
3 607,011562,18044,8317.97%
2 340,564616,779-276,215-44.78%
1 531,642525,083 6,5591.25%
Total 5,387,1974,822,466564,73111.71%
Month Revenue for the Month Revenue from Last Year Difference Amount Difference Ratio
12 420,555598,506-177,951-29.73%
11 449,332560,914-111,582-19.89%
10 418,569471,251-52,682-11.18%
9 457,869584,634-126,765-21.68%
8 401,089420,669-19,580-4.65%
7 375,947524,897-148,950-28.38%
6 390,546643,267-252,721-39.29%
5 569,141410,895158,24638.51%
4 505,263538,387 -33,124-6.15%
3 562,180586,480-24,300-4.14%
2 616,779362,394254,38570.20%
1 525,083435,79489,28920.49%
Total 5,692,3536,138,088-445,735-7.26%
Month Revenue for the Month Revenue from Last Year Difference Amount Difference Ratio
12 598,506 402,666 195,840 48.64%
11 560,914 472,238 88,676 18.78%
10 471,251 265,735 205,516 77.34%
9 584,634 247,246 337,388 136.46%
8 420,669 460,637 -39,968 -8.68%
7 524,897 330,135 194,762 58.99%
6 643,267 338,481 304,786 90.05%
5 410,895 249,737 161,158 64.53%
4 538,387 306,316 232,071 75.67%
3 586,480 376,990 209,490 55.57%
2 362,394 144,192 218,202 151.33%
1 435,794244,251191,54378.42%
Total 6,138,0883,838,6242,299,46459.90%
Month Revenue for the Month Revenue from Last Year Difference Amount Difference Ratio
12 402,666 274,669 127,997 46.6%
11 472,238 227,240 244,998 107.81%
10 265,735 359,437 -93,702 -26.07%
9 247,246 269,429 -22,183 -8.23%
8 460,637 168,414 292,223 173.51%
7 330,135  226,360 103,775 45.85%
6 338,481 240,933 97,548 40.49%
5 249,737 257,323 -7,586 -2.95%
4 306,316 192,571 113,745 59.07%
3 376,990 190,125 186,865 98.29%
2 144,192 125,115 19,077 15.25%
1 244,251 103,930 140,321 135.01%
Total 3,838,624 2,635,546 1,203,078 45.65%
Month Revenue for the Month Revenue from Last Year Difference Amount Difference Ratio
12 274,669 121,034 153,635 126.94%
11 227,240 177,790 49,450 27.81%
10 359,437 140,347 219,090 156.11%
9 269,429 187,264 82,165 43.88%
8 170,503 187,681 -17,178 -9.15%
7 224,854 316,533 -91,679 -28.96%
6 240,350 216,817 23,533 10.85%
5 - - - -
4 - - - -
3 - - - -
2 - - - -
1 - - - -
Total 1,766,482 1,347,466 419,016 31.10%