Water Resources or Waste Management Policy

Water Resources or Waste Management Policy

In view of the potential risks and opportunities brought about by climate change to the enterprises both now and in the future, our Company continues to be concerned about and implement environmental protection issues and environmental improvements, and therefore its water resources or waste management policy mainly aims at energy conservation, reduction, change of habits and effective control.

1、Water Resources Management

Our Company uses 100% tap water, not groundwater, so there is no subsidence impact caused by pumping. The Company's total water consumption was 16,126 tonnes in 2018 and 28,162 tonnes in 2019.The increase in water consumption in 2019 as compared to 2018 was mainly due to an increase in lining orders in 2019, which required full water testing and tank washing operations through water, resulting in higher water consumption in that year. We are continuing to push forward water conservation measures in our plants. With the impact of extreme climate change becoming more and more profound, water shortage crisis is definitely a priority task that requires careful consideration and response, and in 2020, we will continue to devote ourselves to the research and development and improvement of process water recovery.

Domestic water conservation in the office and factory:

(1) Post water-saving slogans so that everyone can develop the habit of turning off water when they leave.

(2) Switch all to motion-sensing faucets and dual-flush toilets to save water.

(3) Report any water leakage immediately to avoid wasting water.

2、Waste Management

Allied Supreme Corp. adopts "source reduction and recycling" as the main direction of waste management, and promotes recycling to replace waste generation through source management in order to minimize the harm to the environment and cut down on the cost of waste disposal. Waste from the plant is cleaned up in accordance with environmental protection laws and regulations, and legally registered operators are commissioned for collection according to the characteristics of the waste.

Domestic waste reduction in the office and factory:

(1) Promote full waste reduction.

(2) Dispose of waste according to law and implement a recycling system

(3) Enforce compliance with recycling requirements to implement environmental protection policies.